Az angol nyelvtudás diagnosztikus fejlesztésének és mérési lehetőségeinek feltárása
Diagnostic Tests for Hungarian EFL Learners in 1st to 6th Grade
A two-day workshop on 26-27 June 2010 at Vadásztanya Restaurant, Pécs
- International experts
- Heini-Marja Jarvinen, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Turku, Finland
- Lucilla Lopriore, PhD, Assistant Professor, Roma Tre University, Italy
- Jelena Mihaljevic Djigunovic, PhD, Professor, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Karmen Prizorn, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Hungarian team
- Coordinator:
- Marianne Nikolov, PhD, DSc, Professor, University of Pécs, University of Szeged
- Members:
- Lídia Bors, PhD, ETRC manager
- Réka Lugossy, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Pécs
- Gábor Szabó, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Pécs
- Gabriella Hild, doctoral student, University of Pécs
- Ildikó Patho, doctoral student, University of Pécs
- Zsófia Turányi, doctoral student, University of Pécs
- Saturday
- 9:00 Pre-workshop event: meeting for international experts
- 10:00-10:15 Welcome and short introduction to workshop by Marianne Nikolov
- 10:15-11:00 What is TAMOP 3.1.9 Project on Diagnostic Tests for Hungarian EFL Learners
in 1st to 6th Grade about? What has been accomplished? What is to be done?
Marianne Nikolov
- 11:00-12:30 What can children between the ages of 6 to 12 do in English? Discussions of “can do
statements” for listening comprehension, speaking, reading comprehension and writing,
strategies and culture in small groups and larger group.
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch break
- 13:30-16:00 Age appropriate task types and text types for diagnostic tests of the four skills. Rubrics,
format, length, layout, and visuals. A critical look at and discussion of examples in small
groups, then in plenary moderated by Marianne Nikolov.
- 17:00–20:00 Pécs Culture Capital of Europe Programme at the Promenade: Folk & Roll: Danmed,
The Moon & The Nightspirit, Kormorán Memory Band, Virrasztók
- Sunday
- 8:30 Pre-workshop event: meeting for international experts on organizing the day.
- 9:30-10:30 Findings of the first two phases of the project: Gabriella Hild & Marianne Nikolov
Teachers’ views on assessing young learners
First findings of piloting 18 sample tasks
- 10: 30-11:00 Discussions of findings
- 11:00-12:00 A critical look at piloted tasks in small groups
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch break
- 13:00-14:30 Discussions on piloted tasks in whole group
- 14:30-16:00 The way forward: integrating other data collection instruments into the project.
Observations, self assessment, portfolio, interviews, etc.
- 16:00 Wrapping up workshop
- 17:00- 18:00 Pécs Culture Capital of Europe Programme in Kossuth tér: Brass Band Concert
- 18:30-20:00 Discussion with international experts on the way forward